Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 4 Broken Hill

We woke up today feeling pleasantly cold down in the underground hotel. I got the chance to walk around and explore while everyone else slept. We’re now officially on Adelaide time but I’m still running on Sydney time. Everyone seems to be running late but hey; what else do you expect from Adelaide.
As much fun as it was to spend the night in the underground hotel, they need to look at their pest control. The boys woke up covered in dozens of mozzie bites. After breakfast we packed up and spent a couple of fun hours fossicking for opals and as we would all expect, Jacqui found all the sparkly ones. After a couple of hours we took the advice of the Hotel Manager and took a short cut to Broken Hill. It’s a short cut if you’re OK to drive over corrugated dirt road at 100km/hr. It’s a little different if you’re towing a caravan doing 50. It saved us 30km but added about 2hrs. We’ll chalk that down to experience.
Once we got back on the highway and pushed a few Km’s under the bonnet, we decided to pull into a truck stop for some lunch. It seemed quite odd to realise that if we pulled a few shrubs out of the ground, the landscape could easily be mistaken for the moon but for the constant supply of road-kill and the regular sightings of flocks of Emus.
Jacqui and the boys are keeping themselves amused by rating my skills at the traveller’s wave. Apparently I’m not instinctive or casual enough with the quick flick of the wrist or the occasional finger. The pressure is clearly getting to me because I’ve become so distracted; I almost ran out of gas and had to resort to pulling over and using one of the gerri cans. I’ll have to work on it.
Instead of driving through to Yunta, we decided to stop over in Broken Hill. 25,000 people make’s it a sizeable town and provided a good opportunity to stock up as we’re expecting to spend the next few day exploring some bush tracks through the Flinders Ranges on the way to Leigh Creek.

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