Saturday, October 10, 2009

Zero minus 22 Days

It all seems very close now.
The van arrives in Sydney from Melbourne on Monday. It has it's pre-delivery work done during the week and I collect it from the dealer on Thursday. Jacqui will load it up on Friday and we'll take it for it's first trial run at Narrabeen on Friday and Saturday night.
I collected the satelite phone kindly supplied on loan from Don, through Martina & David. It's nice to know we have that little bit of insurance should we have a breakdown in some remote location. The car has been checked over and doesn't appear to have any last minute problems and Jacqui has paid all the bills in advance. Ed has helped to fine tune the itinerary given us much appreciated advice on where to stay, where to avoid, and how much time we'll need.
All the big things appear to be ontrack with a bunch of incidentals left to do. As always, the devil's in the detail.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys,

    Don't forget your golf clubs!! It all sounds like the trip is coming together very well and now not long until you depart for an adventure of a life time.

    Oh, we have sent the kids a trampoline each for Christmas so please make sure you save some room.

