Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 13 Uluru

It was with good reason that I woke up nervous, although initially, I didn’t understand why but after all these years, it should have been clear from the beginning.
We had a mad dash out to the rock for the sunrise photo session and it was well worth the effort. I got some great shots. We then came back to the camper for breakfast and then returned to the cultural centre at Uluru to learn more about the Aboriginal lore surrounding the rock and the immediate area. Again, well worth the effort. We picked up a few souvenirs and then I kicked back in the camper while Jacqui took the boys for a swim. It was about this time that we discovered the water had been shut down to all the campsites and the amenities buildings. Just what you want on a steaming hot day like today. Strike 1!
We tidied up around the site, followed by another swim, (it’s 39 degrees), and then back to the rock for a skype call to our much missed friends in the UK. We’d planned the call to coincide with sunset so we took the laptop out to the viewing area so we could have Uluru in the background. A nice idea that didn’t allow for the intense brightness that meant our UK mates saw nothing more than a blinding white light for most of the duration of the skype call, and the conection dropped out 3 times. Strike 2!!
After concluding the attempted Skype call, we agreed that we had enough sunset photos from yesterday and we didn’t need any more so we agreed to head back early for dinner in one of the resort restaurants. As I reversed out of the parking space, I reversed straight into a post. Strike 3!!! There’s not much damage to the car although there is significant damage to my state of mind. Jacqui’s deafening silence, while not unwarranted, is adding nicely to the heat of this 39 degree day. I should have known better. I could easily have just stayed in the van on Friday, the 13th, the 13th day of this multi-state adventure. I am however, pleased that I booked the helicopter flight over Uluru for tomorrow, the 14th.


  1. Hi Guys,

    It was great catching up on Skype, you all look very BRIGHT and happy. We are all very pleased to hear the trip is going well, dont worry about a few hiccups like dinging the all adds to the adventure.

    All the best and much love

    The Parksies

  2. Enjoyed sittin' round the fire wit you family the other night. Hope you enjoy'd the b-b-q'd goanna and our wanka wanka sunrise!

    Nelson and the family Nuramunga's
