Saturday, November 14, 2009

Day 14 Uluru

We’re no longer surprised by the sudden roar of traffic past the camper-van at 5am each day as our fellow adventurers head out for dawn photos of Uluru. We now just roll over and go back to sleep. The boys have certainly settled into the lifestyle and for the 1st time that I can remember, we don’t see them before 7am.
We had a nice start to the day with a skype call to my Mum followed by a phone call from Michael, Leah and Hayden. The boys enjoyed their 1st chat to their friends for 2 weeks. While I was catching up with Michael, Jacqui had a chat with her Dad which brightened her morning. Modern technology takes much of the worry out of this type of trip.
We’d had a fairly busy few days so the boys asked if we could just hang around today so we did just that, heading back to the pool a few times in between snacks, until at about 4pm, it was time to head for the airport. With Thomas missing out on his aerial view of Lake Eyre due to the sudden dust storm, Jacqui and I decided to take him and the other boys on a helicopter ride around the rock and it’s been the highlight of our trip so far. Tom got to sit up front with the pilot and after a bit of coaxing, took over the radio calls to the control tower. In between the official radio calls, he talked the pilots ear off with confidence building questions like, have you ever had a crash? or what happens if the wind suddenly gets too strong? Once Tim, the pilot had regained his form, we enjoyed a spectacular flight and took a load of video and still shots. Tom was buzzing which is what it was all about. After the flight, we found the local watering hole and enjoyed a couple of drinks along with some Emu Sausages, Kangaroo steak and Crocodile kebabs. A great way to finish the Uluru leg. We’re off to Kings canyon in the morning where the say it’s alittle cooler than the 41 degree day we had here today.


  1. Sounds like you're all having a great time! Wish Thomas a Happy Birthday from Luke, Adam, Aunty Jo & Tom. Love to all.

  2. Jackie, lovely pictures of the rock darling. I didn't realise you were still in NSW. I've been worried all night about you flying in that helicopter, especially while towing the caravan.

    Love Joan

  3. Jackie,
    Dont listen to your mother. Everyone knows the rock is in Proserpine.

    Love Dad

  4. Great shots and very brave of Jacqui, I couldn't get in a helicopter so you have all done well!!!!
