Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 16 Kings Canyon

At 1st light, I was greeted by the sight of the garbage bag we’d kept outside the camper-van, but inside the annex, ripped and spread around the inside of the annex. After looking around the extremities, I found quite easily identifiable Dingo tracks. It became obvious that Dingos had been inside the annex while we slept. There was no damage done but it was a timely reminder that we’re in the outback.
Once we had the boys up, we headed off to the canyon. The thermometer in the car showed 36 at 8am so we new we were in for a scorcher. We packed plenty of water, put on the hiking boots and headed down to the easier Kings Creek walk. Jacqui has been adding to our bush knowledge by explaining the natural medicinal benefits of the Spinifex and she was pleasantly surprised to find the brightly coloured Sunshine Wattle this far north. The walk and the scenery were pleasant and while one description as Australia’s Grand Canyon is clearly imaginative, it’s not a bad spot although nothing really special. Some of the views were quite good and we managed to get our second Qantas Shot before making our way back to the euphemistically named Resort. Overall it’s been fine here but we’re paying top rates and most of the amenities blocks are closed, they still have no ice, and they’re charging top price for fuel and drinks. The camp site however is fine with drinkable water, power, and the boys love the pool, so it’s hardly a disaster.
After the walk, we headed off to the pool before knocking together a quick sandwich. The heat then drove us into the on-site pub and we were all amused to watch some poor European tourist trying to pat a gigantic wasp. He had no idea it was getting angry until he asked Jacqui to bring the boys over for a photo with the strange insect. Jacqui let him know it might not be a good idea and he promptly left the pub for what he certainly must have imagined was a safer place. On the way back to the van, we picked up some milk at the general store and the attendant let us know that the temperature had made it up to 49.8 in the shade today. This piece of knowledge gave us good reason to start a water fight with the boys before we saw our 1st Dingo prowling around the camp.
Tomorrow we take the back way via the McDonald Ranges to Alice Springs where we’ll get everything checked before crossing the Tanami.

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