Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 15 Kings Canyon

As usual, we thought we’d get an early start but it never seems to happen. We had most of the camper pulled down and packed away by just after 8am which wasn’t too bad but we then decided on one last dip in the pool before hitting the road. Jacob is slowly turning into a fish. He has no fear of the water at all and he’s far more daring than either Tom or Zach. I guess that’s what happens when you have two older brothers.
Not surprisingly, we finally got out of Yulara at 9:30. It was an uneventful drive with uninspiring scenery leading to what appears on the surface to be a relatively uninteresting place. Hopefully in this case, 1st impressions aren’t lasting ones. Today was another 41 degree day and the boys are sucking up the water every chance they get. The Coleman 4 day Eski doesn’t stand a chance in this heat and we’re replenishing the ice daily. Sadly, we’ve just discovered that kings Canyon is out of ice with the nearest supply about 30Km’s away. I’m just going to check that it’s not still the 13th. We all had a late afternoon dip in the pool before a light salad for dinner. The heat makes anything else too much of a struggle. They’re expecting another 41 degree day tomorrow which cancels any opportunity to tackle The Rim Walk, the main reason for coming. We’ll have a look at the much easier Creek Walk and see what else we can find around the area. Let’s hope tomorrow over-delivers on expectation.

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