Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 2 Ivanhoe

The morning started early for the Dinter family today. At about 4am, the trucks started roaring past our caravan park and the trucks woke up the dogs that in turn woke all the birds. By 5am, the birds, dogs, & trucks had woken me and I couldn’t lie in any longer. I got up to make a coffee and as would be expected, I woke up the rest of the clan.

After listening to Ed on Saturday afternoon, I plan to ensure we’re not stopping in Wilcannia so Cowra to Ivanhoe sounded like an easy day. That should leave us about 3-4 hours to White Cliffs.
On the way to Ivanhoe, as we drove through about 100kms of dirt track, Jacqui asked me what Ivanhoe is famous for. Now that we’ve settled in for the night, I can confirm my original thought. Absolutely nothing! In Jacqui’s words, it looks like an abandoned town. I have however adopted a new respect for the amazing resilience of the people that call this baron red earth home. We stopped at the Weethale pub for a cold lemonade and I spoke to one of the two locals sitting at the bar. I mentioned that it looked a bit dry outside to which he responded it’s been XXXKing dry for 10 years mate!
My unspoken thought was why would you stay here? I suppose that once the red dust gets into your blood, you’re stuck here. Zachary spotted our 1st wild Emu on the side of the road and we later had to slow down to let a family of Emu’s cross the road in front of us. Surprisingly, we only saw a few Kangaroos.
After a long day of Are we there yet and what can we eat now mum, we’re all ready for bed.

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