With only couple of hundred ‘K’ ahead of us we took our time packing up and departing Derby. While we sat around tucking in to our weet-bix, Ian, our friendly landlord popped
over to share a few Tamarinds with the boys and he took all three for a stroll to show them where the tree was, and how to tell if they’re ripe. We’ve met some terrific people on this trip and Ian fits right into the ‘Goodguy’ category. We took a quick drive over the circular wharf at the end of town and then headed for Broome.
It was an easy drive made easier by our first use of the in-car DVD player and the boys relaxed to a Star Wars adventure while Jacqui drove and I dozed in the passenger seat.
That last 20km of dead straight road into Broome had us pumped with anticipation for this town we’d heard so much about and which marked and the end of the 1st stage of our adventure. It had taken us 27 days to drive across the driest continent on earth and for us personally, it was 27 days between sightings of the beach. We’ll be sure to collect some Indian Ocean water and bring it back to mix with the Pacific water on our return home.
We’ve settled into Cable Beach Caravan Park and it’s
easily the prettiest caravan park we’ve stayed at. The pool is huge which keeps the boys happy and we have plenty of trees for shade and it’s low season so it’s not very crowded. After setting up, followed by a quick swim, we headed to the beach for Fish n Chips and watched the sun set into the ocean. The ocean breeze was a pleasant change for us all and Jacqui got very excited when we spotted the camels she’s been looking forward to riding as they moved off the beach for the night.
I think we’ll enjoy it here.
It was an easy drive made easier by our first use of the in-car DVD player and the boys relaxed to a Star Wars adventure while Jacqui drove and I dozed in the passenger seat.
That last 20km of dead straight road into Broome had us pumped with anticipation for this town we’d heard so much about and which marked and the end of the 1st stage of our adventure. It had taken us 27 days to drive across the driest continent on earth and for us personally, it was 27 days between sightings of the beach. We’ll be sure to collect some Indian Ocean water and bring it back to mix with the Pacific water on our return home.
easily the prettiest caravan park we’ve stayed at. The pool is huge which keeps the boys happy and we have plenty of trees for shade and it’s low season so it’s not very crowded. After setting up, followed by a quick swim, we headed to the beach for Fish n Chips and watched the sun set into the ocean. The ocean breeze was a pleasant change for us all and Jacqui got very excited when we spotted the camels she’s been looking forward to riding as they moved off the beach for the night.
I think we’ll enjoy it here.
Jorge, be careful before hopping on! Not everything on the beach with two humps is a camel!